- KRK a ŠIJA > 30min / 18€/ masáž v sede na masérskej stoličke
- CHRBÁT > 30min / 18€/ masáž chrbta
- CHRBÁT > 60min / 26€/ masáž chrbta
- CELÉ TELO > 30min / 18€ / masáž celého tela
- CELÉ TELO > 60min / 29€ / masáž celého tela
- FYZIOTERAPHY > 60min / 29€/ fyzioterapeutické cvičenia podľa potreby + masáž
- KINESIOTEPING > 60min / 29€ / liečenie a fixovanie postihnutého miesta + fyzio paktiky
Stačí si vybrať typ masáže a zarezervovať si čas, ktorý vám najviac vyhovuje priamo v rozvrhu. Platba za masáž prebieha bezhotovstne prevodom na účet, alebo u maséra v hotovosti. Pokiaľ máte záujem o čas a deň, ktorý nie je v ponuke, prípadne máte záujem o masáž priamo u Vás doma. Stačí nás kontaktovať.
Vypracovanie tréningového manuálu, podľa ktorého následne cvičíte už sami. Absolvujete 1x tréning s osobným trénerom, ktorý vám nastaví a nakombinuje cviky podľa vami stanoveného cieľa, vysvetlí vám techniku prevedenia, ovládanie strojov, správne dýchanie a názvoslovie. Plán je zostavený aj na základe celkovej anamnézy. TP obdržíte v printovej a v pdf verzii. V prípade záujmu je nutné sa objednať.
TP je vhodné pre absolventov programu RELOOKING a RELOOKING TEAM a pre tých, ktorí už majú skúsenosti so športom.
Cena: 30€/ 1 osoba
+ vstup do fitness centra
Jedná sa o klasické tréningy pod vedením trénera, ktoré možno poznáte z iných fitness centier. Až po absolvovaní konzultácie pristúpime k tréningu. Takéto tréningy neobsahujú stravu, denník, fotenie, doplnky výživy, či iné služby, ktoré obsahuje RELOOKING a RELOOKING TEAM.
25€/ 1 tréning / 1 osoba
40€ / 1 tréning / 2 osoby naraz
+ vstup do fitness centra
Neviete čo jesť pred, alebo po tréningu? Pokiaľ áno, táto služba je presne pre vás! Žiadne diéty a trápenie. Stretnutie obsahuje konzultáciu, analýzu stravovacích návykov aj telesnú analýzu (tuk, svaly, viscerálny tuk, ai.). Pokiaľ máte záujem o konzultáciu, stačí nás kontaktovať.
30€/ cca 60 – 80min stretnutie / vrátane materiálov
Vzdelávanie v oblasti fitness, aerobicu a funkčných tréningov. V našej akadémii rozlišuje 2 druhy školení: CERTIFIKÁT => základné vzdelanie vhodné aj pre začiatočníkov, ktoré tvorí nevyhnutný základ pre budúceho trénera. DIPLOM => rozšírené vzdelanie vhodné pre existujúcich trénerov skupinových a individuálnych tréningov, či abslovenstov našich certifikátov.
od 190€/ v závislosti od typu školenia
The massage is adjusted as needed and after diagnosis:
- RELAX> 60min / 24 € / body massage
- PHYSIOTHERAPY> 60min / 29 € / physiotherapy exercises as needed + massage
- KINESIOTEPING> 60min / 29 € / treatment and fixation of the affected site + physical pacts
- BACK PAIN> 60min / 29 € / massage of the whole back using banking
Just choose the type of massage and book the time that suits you best in the schedule. The payment for the massage is done without charge by transfer to the account. If you are interested in time and day that is not on offer, or you are interested in a massage right at your home. Just contact us.
This is the preparation of a training manual, usually done for 15 to 20 trainings. In practice, this means that you have 1 training with a personal trainer that sets you up and combines exercises according to your goal. You will then explain the technique of exercising exercises, machine control, proper breathing and nomenclature. Planning is done on the spot based on the initial interview, questionnaire and overall history. Approximate training session time is 60-80min. Upon completion, the client receives a training plan in both print and pdf versions, according to which he/ she then enters the selected fitness center alone, according to the program. A training plan can be created for the fitness center, gyms, function rooms or even your home. In case of interest, it is necessary to order by mail or by phone.
TP is suitable for RELOOKING and RELOOKING TEAM graduates and for those who already have a sporting experience.
Price: 30 € / 1 person
+ access to the fitness center
These are classical coaching guides that you can know from other fitness centers. Before this type of training, a personal meeting is needed to reach your goals, history, and options. Only after the consultation will we go to training. Such training does not include diet, diary, photography, nutritional supplements, or other services that contain RELOOKING and RELOOKING TEAM.
BPT is suitable for advanced and experienced trainees looking for a change in their training routine and for those who want to exercise without changing the diet or recording progress. Also suitable for those who have attended a training program and would once again want to undergo training with a coach to make sure they control everything right.
The price:
25 € / 1 training / 1 person
40 € / 1 training / 2 persons at once
+ access to the fitness center
Do you practice everyday, but do not see the results? Maybe there is a problem in the diet. If you do not know what to eat before or after training? Do you want to be sure about how to look like a healthy plate? If so, this service is right for you. We offer you the opportunity to order an hourly consultation with a diet plan expert to clarify a lot of things and also set the right diet. No Diet and Trouble. But a tasty and balanced diet. If you are interested in consulting, just contact us by mail, phone or sms. Place and time to suit your requirements.
The price:
30€ / about 60min meeting / including materials
Education in fitness, aerobics and functional trainings. There are two kinds of training in our academy: CERTIFICATE => Basic education suitable for beginners, which forms the necessary basis for the future coach. DIPLOM => Extensive education suitable for existing coaches of group and individual trainings or absurdities of our certificates.
The price:
from 99€ / depending on type of training